We cannot thank exotic species vet, Becky Mott BSc(hons) BVetMed MRCVS for creating this guide to lidocaine CRIs in rabbits. Something that can baffle even the most competent of exotic clinicians. This straight forward but still incredibly helpful webinar covers why CRIs are used, why Lidocaine is used in rabbits and how to work through the horrible maths to make your patient comfortable in an easy to follow, step by step way. Run time: 17 mins
The approach to a rabbit with a dental abscess, created by exotic species veterinarian Michaela Betts, takes the view through a brief summary of dental disease and how dental disease can result in abscess formation. The potential differentials, diagnostic options and suggest treatment possibilities, as well as the approach to marsupialisation and extractions. Essential surgical interventions that should be performed alongside medical therapies, which are also discussed. Run time: 20mins
The Approach to the Rabbit with a Head Tilt covers exactly that. Presented by Michaela Betts from Suffolk Exotic Vets, the viewer will be taken through the possible differentials, the initial approach, diagnostic options and possible treatments for the most common causes of head tilts in this species. An excellent short but sweet webinar for lunch time learning on a topic that most will experience in practice. Run time 17 mins
Rabbit Clinical Pathology has been created by exotic species vet Lucy Robson, current exotic species intern at The Royal Veterinary College. This webinar takes the viewer through what clinical pathology is, how to obtain blood samples in rabbits, and in-depth discussion on haematology and biochemistry in rabbits as well as how to interpret you blood and urine results. This is an excellent webinar for general practitioners seeing rabbits in first opinion practice. Run time 25mins
This webinar by Claire Speight, head veterinary nurse at Kettering Vets4Pets and editor for the RWAFs Rabbiting On takes you through the importance of rabbit caecotrophs, how they can help us understand the health of the rabbit, what causes may result in these important faeces not being eaten and what effects not eating them can have on the health of the rabbit. Run time 29mins
This webinar by Nadine Stapleton BVSc CertAVP(ZM), a highly experienced exotic species clinician working at Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, part of the royal veterinary college, will take you through the basic surgical principles of abdominal surgery in rabbits. how being prey species will influence your surgical approach and how their anatomical differences will require a different approach to your surgery in comparison to more commonly seen species. Runtime: 19mins
This webinar from Claire Speight, Editor of Rabbiting On part of the fantastic Rabbit Welfare Awareness and Fund will take you through everything you need to know about the senior rabbit to help you both treat your patients but advise your clients on the best possible care for their pets. Run time = 27mins
This webinar by Jo Reddaway-Richards from Plymouth Veterinary Group, narrated by RCVS Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine, Sonya Miles, will take you through he most commonly reported reproductive disease rabbits. Run time = 26mins
This webinar by Amy Reynolds MRCVS takes you through how best to improve the level of care that rabbits receive during your consultations. The webinar includes pointers for making your consult rabbit friendly whilst minimising stress as well as guide you through the best way of performing a clinical examination. Run Time - 20 mins
This webinar by RCVS Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine, Dr Sonya Miles, takes you through managing a case of gastrointestinal ileus in a rabbit, from the initial presentation, stabilisation, investigation and hospitalisation and treatment. Run time: 19min
This webinar by Sonya Miles, will take you though how to perform a rabbit spay from the pre-neutering check, through to recovery. Spaying in rabbits should be considered to allow opposite sex bonding, minimise aggression, prevent pregnancies, uterine tumours and other unwarranted reproductive diseases and behaviours. Run time: 10min
Gastric dilation is an acute and often fatal condition seen in rabbits, often caused by an intestinal obstruction. This webinar by Sonya Miles, an RCVS recognised advanced practitioner in zoological medicine , will take you through the initial presentation, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of this often complicated clinical condition. Run time: 14min
Dental disease in rabbits is incredibly common and seen on a daily basis in many veterinary practices. This webinar by Sonya Miles, will take you through how to assess and treat your patient, through to the post operative period. How too perform a full dental examination, both consciously and whilst they are sedated, and how to provide the best possible care for our dental patients. Run time: 26min
This webinar by Sonya Miles, will take you through the importance of vaccinations and what vaccinations are available for rabbits in the UK. As well how is best to transition our patients on to the new Myxo-RHD Plus vaccination. You will also be taken through the main talking points of a rabbit consultation and information on a few common conditions clients often wish to discuss. Run time: 16min
This webinar by Sonya Miles, will take you though how to perform a rabbit castration from the pre-neutering check, through to recovery. Castrations in rabbits should be considered to allow opposite sex bonding, minimise aggression and other unwarranted behaviours. Run time: 8min
Flystrike in rabbits will be one of the most common true exotic mammal emergencies seen in veterinary practice. This webinar by Sonya Miles, will take you through the diagnosis, stabilisation, treatment and preventative methods available to help you manage this often complex and sadly devastating condition. Run time: 12min